5 Reasons We’re Passionate About Long-Term Care Planning

March 30, 2016

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Step Three:
Design Your Custom Plan and Get Approved

We love to hear inspiring stories about how people find what they want to do in life and in business. It’s even better when you can fulfill your passion through your business or work.

So here are a few reasons we got into this business:

1. The top reason this business is what it is today is because Brian Ott (The Certified Long-Term Care Specialist) started looking into long-term care insurance for his mother and not only was he overwhelmed with all the information out there, he was disappointing that there was no expert he could talk to and get some straight answers on which companies were best and why. So he went back to school and got his CLTC designation & Insurance license so he could make sure he got the best plan for his mother.

2. Brian then saw the incredible value in long-term care insurance planning when his Grandmother Genevieve utilized her long-term care plan which allowed her to have a better quality of life in an Assisted Living Facility. This also gave Brian his mother back and it gave his kids their grandmother back because now she didn’t have to be there 24/7 for his grandmother. This experience is what made Brian truly passionate about helping people put a proper plan for long-term care in place.

3. Madalyn Lutsch (The Client Coordinator) worked in the insurance industry for 5 years before meeting Brian. When she did, she was working for a company that only sold a few long-term care plans and only sold for the commission. She has always known in her heart that to truly be able to help clients find the best plan for them, you need to be independent and not in it for the commission. “Do the right thing and the money will follow”

4. The main reason Madalyn is passionate about long-term care planning is her Mother. Her mother passed away in a Medicaid Nursing home after being in a long-term care situation for over 10 years, Madalyn experienced head on the consequences of a long-term care situation. She knows what it was like to be a 24/7 caregiver and to try to juggle, work, family and school. Most importantly she knows that if people can avoid Medicaid, they should. You don’t have much control when you’re on Medicaid for long-term care, they choose your care, where you receive care and when. It’s really not fun and the best way to avoid ending up on Medicaid is to PLAN.

5. Last but not least, we are determined to bring a higher level of professionalism to this industry and eliminate all the myths about long-term care insurance. As long-term care planning experts we are also planning alongside, estate planning attorneys, CPA’s and financial advisors. But so many advisors are uneducated about long-term care planning even though an extended health care situation IS the biggest risk in retirement. So we are not only educating consumers but also the advisors in our industry that fall under the same umbrella of our clients’ needs.

To learn more about us or long-term care planning, listen to us on the radio Sunday Mornings at 11AM on KTTH 770AM and/or come to one of our local seminars in Bellevue!




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