Every computer is a little different, however all personal computers have the ability to take a screenshot. And it’s really as easy as copy and paste.
In Microsoft Windows, pressing Prt Sc will capture the entire screen while pressing the Alt key in combination with Prt Sc will capture the currently selected window.
Then you simply open Paint or Word and either right click your mouse and select paste or simply press Ctrl+V.
For an Apple PC the directions are different:
Macintosh doesn’t use a print screen key; instead, key combinations are used:
⌘ Cmd+⇧ Shift+3 captures the whole screen, while ⌘ Cmd+⇧ Shift+4 allows for part of the screen to be selected.
If you follow these commands, your screen capture or image capture will automatically be saved to your desktop. To save it to your clipboard just add Ctrl to the command sequence.