Client of the Month February

February 24, 2016

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Step Three:
Design Your Custom Plan and Get Approved

c5a83c_00a34982fe5647f3892bda16211afe2dA couple 57 and 58 set up an Asset Based plan with $54,000 (lump sum) and a $2,900 annual premium that gave them a LIFETIME of coverage. The $54,000 was leveraged into a death benefit of $135,000 and if one or both of them went on claim they could draw up to $4,060 a month, each, out of the policy. The $2,900 annual premium gave them extra protection on top of that and the benefit also grows with inflation so 20 years down the road their monthly benefit will be $7,120. They were adamant about having a lifetime benefit since Alzheimer’s disease ran in their family and didn’t want all their assets and savings to be wiped out in the event one of them was diagnosed. This gives them lifetime coverage, a death benefit, and if they can get their money back anytime if they decide to cancel their plan. The $2,900 continuous premium is guaranteed level, meaning no rate increases

It doesn’t always take a large lump sum of money to set up a meaningful long-term care plan. Take a look at some examples on our website to see the different plans we have designed for our clients.

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