Watch a Webinar on Long-Term Care Plans
Get a thorough overview of all things long term care plans. Register for a full-length, live webinar below OR watch our videos on-demand here on our site.
Long-Term Care Webinar
April 16th, 2PM (PT) / 3PM (MT)
Just like Estate Planning, there are many things to consider when looking into Long-Term Care Planning. As heard on many radio stations (KVI, KOA, KIRO, K-HOW & Others), Brian will guide you through the basics as well as go in-depth about how long-term care insurance plans work and all the new options that are available today.
You will learn:
- What is a long-term care situation and how to trigger a claim
- How long-term care insurance works
- Hear how the different types of plans can be designed
- How Medicaid Planning and Self-Insuring stack up against True Long-Term Care Planning
- How the new plans have made planning for long-term care easier and more advantageous than ever
- Wednesday, April 16th at 2:00pm PT / 3:00pm MT
- Speaker: Brian Ott, CLTC – Certified Long-Term Care Planning Specialist
- Presentation lasts about 1-hr with time for questions after
- Attendees will receive a recording of the presentation afterward