Many people and even some advisors assume long-term care insurance premiums will continue to increase once you put a plan in place. This is probably based on the fact that we have seen many companies raise rates on their existing clients. However, there are still four companies accepting new applications that have never raised rates on their clients. This is roughly a third of the traditional companies who offer long-term care insurance plans in the State of Washington. Working with an independent agent who knows the different plans and the history of the companies is crucial in protecting yourself from future rate increases. Also, we have new hybrid plans that have guarantee level payments and you can also set up a limited pay option that allows you to fully fund a plan over a set amount of years and then never have another premium payment to worry about. Long-term care insurance is still the best way to protect yourself and your family from the high costs of an extended health care situation and we have more options available today than we have ever had. Let us know if you would like to learn more about the companies who have never raised rates or about the guaranteed level premium plans available today.
Where Do You Want Your Money To Go?
One of the ongoing issues we see people struggle with is whether they have enough money to fund their own long-term care plan. It has