Tips on Successful Referrals

September 21, 2015

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Step Three:
Design Your Custom Plan and Get Approved

Most of us like to refer our clients to other Trusted Advisors when we think it is appropriate and most of us do it the same way.

Normally like this:


Now, how many of those clients actually call? Truthfully, not many. Because we are putting the task on the client and many are uncomfortable or don’t want to make the initial call to someone they don’t know as well as you.

Here is an approach that we find works every time and puts the client in a more comfortable situation:


We encourage advisors we work with to take the same approach to referrals. We say this because when you simply give your client a business card or brochure and tell them to call someone, they see that as a job or task now.
Referring a client this way, allows them to feel like you are taking the burden off of them and they know that you trust the person you are referring them to.

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