Washington Tops National Average on Long-Term Care Services

August 25, 2016

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According to Mutual of Omaha’s 2016 cost of care study, with the exception of hourly home health aide costs, Washington State has an average higher cost for long-term care services. The survey reveals Washington State is nearly 50% higher for home health cost if a Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) is needed as well as more costly on nearly all other options.

Here is how we compare to National Averages:

washington tops







Although revealing, these numbers don’t tell the entire story. Costs for care are rising across the spectrum of care options but not at a uniform rate. For example, if we compare the numbers to three years ago, we will see that nursing home costs are rising at about 3% a year, home health aide at 8% and assisting living is outpacing both at over 11% a year.

Budgeting for inflation is critical when you sit down and plan on how you will pay for any future long-term care costs. With nearly 10,000 baby boomers turning 65 every day until 2032, costs pressure on long-term care services is likely to outpace the overall rate of inflation.

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